Sunday, November 20, 2016

Fantastic Fridays With Reyna #3 "Lost In The Woods pt.1!"

Hi everyone! Welcome to Fantastic Fridays and How to Have Them with Reyna! (YES! I just thought of the title on the spot! #potterhead) It is--- OLIVIA! (I bet you thought it was Reyna... didn't you? :D)
This is my friend Cassie, who was over for a sleepover tonight. (You like my bedding? I made it with an old princess Jasmine haloween costume.) Anyways, today, I am going to do a STORYTIME!!! :) I thought you would like this more than showing off my mad dance moves, at least that's what Cassie says.
(Cassie: She isn't really that good at dancing. No offence, but it can be an eye sore sometimes.)
Anyways, sorry that this blog post is late. Reyna has been super busy this week, but hey, you get some Kat and some Reyna! All in one day! Today's storytime is going to be about the time I got lost in the woods. Yes, you heard it. The woods. Alone. (sort of alone.)
It all started when I went down to the park to have a picnic, with some people in my blogging club. The park was bordered with a nice pathway, which people could go trailing on. We ate at picnic tables, not in the woods. Cassie was there as well.
"Guys, I think we should go for a walk!" Cassie said as we finished eating. 
The others groaned, they were bloggers. Not walkers. I don't blame them, I'm not much of an athletic-girl either. Blogging, fashion, and being 20% cooler then everyone else is what I do. Not sports or walking. Or gym class. No. Gym is bad.
I reluctantly agreed, and helped Cassie convince the others. My friends Gwen, Cheryl, and Mindy finally agreed, and the five of us were off. After a little bit of walking, we decided to explore the creek, which was a little far into the woods, but the park rangers let us go. We went down to the creek, and skipped stones.
"Guys, I think that it's time we head back to the path, and keep walking." Gwen said. 
We all agreed, and we hiked up the small hill that would lead us back to the trail. When we reached the top, we took a breather. But, it didn't take us long to see that someone was missing.
We split apart, saying that we could keep contact with each other through are phones.
But after we had all split and were far away from each other, I realized that I didn't have my phone with me.
Oh no.
I didn't worry too much, because I knew I might be able to find them. Plus, they knew the area I was remotely at, so I couldn't go to far.
I heard a rustle in the bushes.
I turned, and saw nothing.
I turned back, and looked back around at a big tree. Maybe I would draw that another day.
The bush rustled again.
I turned again, but nothing was there.
Okay, this was weird.
The bush rustled again, and I was scared. I didn't know what to do, so I made a horrible decision. I jumped in the bush.
Okay, so that was part 1. I know it's not much, but stay tuned! I hope to post the next one next Friday, and on until the "series" is finished. :) Tell me if you like this in the comments down below! Also, thank you soooo much for over 200 page views, already! It makes up really happy that we are making people happy. :) As always, have a happy day! Bye!
                                                        ~Olivia & Reyna :D


  1. this pic looks great and so is the story. keep it up!

