Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Back to TheDollDuo!!

Hey guys! Omg It's been like months since I've posted! (I didn't really do the calculation) Mostly because I've been busy with testing and all that. Anyways, back to dolls! This week I just randomly chose a topic related to dolls. As you all should know Reyna owns three AG Dolls, but I don't own any...yet, that's because I'm getting my first AG Doll this May! I'm planning on getting Rebecca but I'm not sure, though. I also am thinking about getting TrulyMe #19 or TrulyMe #24, it's so hard to choose! I asked my parents which one they prefer, my mom said she likes Rebecca more, where my dad prefers a TrulyMe. So yea, I'm stuck deciding. Once I get my AG Doll I will be sure to post about it. Well that's it for my weeks post. I'll see you all next week, and have a SuperSunnySunday!
~Kat :p

Btw, sorry for the late post!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Super Sunday"s With Kat!!! #4

Meet the Shopkins! If you don't know what Shopkins are well, where have you been?! I love Shopkins. If you already don't know. So this week I chose Shopkins for my weekly post. I literally just thought of using Shopkins. Sorry I didn't post last week. Anyways, I don't want to keep you waiting. Theses are my pics.

                                             The Shopkins right here are a mix of season 1,3
                                       But don't take my word for it, I'm not the best at remembering.

This is 'Waffle Sue'

That's all for this week! 
Disclaimer: Please do NOT use any of these pictures without our permission. You can contact us using the comments, or our business email: thedollduo@gmail.com
~ Kat

Friday, January 6, 2017

Fantastic Fridays With Reyna!: Camille AGPS! (#5)

Hi! It's Reyna! So, recently, lots of things have been happening. Sorry we have been lacking posting. But, we are back and ready to hit the ground running, again!
Recently, my mom let me clear out a part of our unfinished basement, which was covered with old toys. We kept some for old times sake. Now, with the empty space, I made my own film studio! The lighting is pretty bad, and it is kind of a work in progress. These pictures are definitely not my best, but I thought I would share them. This was my first photoshoot with my new Wellie Wisher, Camille. (Thanks Ms.Bonnie and Mr. Randy for her!)
Here are the pictures:
Here she is! I don't actually have any other clothes for her, since the Barbie clothes are WAY to small, and the AG clothes are WAY to big!
Here are the famous Wellies, which are really cute! I wish I had a pair... XD
Here is Lilly's dog, Honey! He decided to join the photoshoot. 

This one or the first is my favorite!
ANYWHOO, that is all I have for today! I hope you n-joyed! Bye!
~Reyna :D
Reyna's blog: rainflower8.blogspot.com
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103050126538431418092 (A work in progress for videos!)

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Super Sunday's with Kat!!!! #3

Hi, everyone welcome to another Super Sunday's with Kat #3. I can't wait to show you guys my pics but this week I thought lets take a break from barbies and do something different, so the other day I was playing with my old legos and then it hit me! So I quickly got out my ipad (which is what I take my pics with) and I took a couple. Okay here they are........

                                                       This is Emma from Lego Friends

                                          And since Emma is in to photography and arts&crafts
                                   she has a desk with a bow making machine and a camera. :)

                                       Also Emma hopes to create a blog too where she will make bows
                                                and people from all around the world will see.

                                                                  Say cheese Coco
                        Thank you so much for looking at these pics. I can't wait until our film comes out!!
                (Disclaimer: Please do not use these photos without my consent. You can contact us using our                                                   business email: thedollduo@gmail.com)
                                                                         ~Kat :) 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Fantastic Friday's with Reyna #4 "Photoshoots!"

Hi! It's Reyna, and today... I don't have much. :( But, at least I have something! Olivia will be back next week for her "Lost In The Woods" series! Anyways, today, I am going to show you a few of my favorite pictures that I have taken! (Disclaimer: Please do not use these pictures without me & Kat's permission. You can contact us through the comments, or business email: thedollduo@gmail.com) Anyways- onwards!

Here is Cat-leen... my LPS cat. (Also known as Katrina "Cat" DeMew) Also my actor/drama queen. :)
Not a doll picture... it is one of my friends. :) Let's call her... "Snow." That's what her name is when we play secret agents. :)
I took this picture almost 1 1/2 years ago... and got around to editing it only a few months ago. :) But... the editing looks pretty magical. XD
Anyways, that is all I have today! Bye!
~Reyna :D
(PS Thanks soooo much for over 200 pageviews! Where are you guys coming from? Make sure to comment questions... for a future Q/A!)

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Super Sunday's with Kat!!!!!!! #2

Hey, its Kat and I can't believe that its my (actual) second time posting! Anyways, time for the big part, as you know my doll Samantha is into books and reading so I made a Perry Hopper (flipped the actual tittle) book for her and just for you guys I took some pics of it.  I also took some pics of other random some but I won't post then until next week. Okay, here are the pics!!!!!

                                               " I stood in line all night to get that book"
                                                          Can't wait to start it!!!!

                                                  OK, so maybe I took too many pics of it

This was taken at school by my bestie, Cristine

Thanks for looking at these pics and remember we are working on a 10 minute film so stay tuned!  (Disclaimer: Please do not use these photos without my consent. You can contact us using our business email: thedollduo@gmail.com)This Perry Hopper printable was made by My Froggy Stuff! Reyna and I love them! I'll be sure to leave a link to there YouTube channel!
~Kat :] (wink)

Fantastic Fridays With Reyna #3 "Lost In The Woods pt.1!"

Hi everyone! Welcome to Fantastic Fridays and How to Have Them with Reyna! (YES! I just thought of the title on the spot! #potterhead) It is--- OLIVIA! (I bet you thought it was Reyna... didn't you? :D)
This is my friend Cassie, who was over for a sleepover tonight. (You like my bedding? I made it with an old princess Jasmine haloween costume.) Anyways, today, I am going to do a STORYTIME!!! :) I thought you would like this more than showing off my mad dance moves, at least that's what Cassie says.
(Cassie: She isn't really that good at dancing. No offence, but it can be an eye sore sometimes.)
Anyways, sorry that this blog post is late. Reyna has been super busy this week, but hey, you get some Kat and some Reyna! All in one day! Today's storytime is going to be about the time I got lost in the woods. Yes, you heard it. The woods. Alone. (sort of alone.)
It all started when I went down to the park to have a picnic, with some people in my blogging club. The park was bordered with a nice pathway, which people could go trailing on. We ate at picnic tables, not in the woods. Cassie was there as well.
"Guys, I think we should go for a walk!" Cassie said as we finished eating. 
The others groaned, they were bloggers. Not walkers. I don't blame them, I'm not much of an athletic-girl either. Blogging, fashion, and being 20% cooler then everyone else is what I do. Not sports or walking. Or gym class. No. Gym is bad.
I reluctantly agreed, and helped Cassie convince the others. My friends Gwen, Cheryl, and Mindy finally agreed, and the five of us were off. After a little bit of walking, we decided to explore the creek, which was a little far into the woods, but the park rangers let us go. We went down to the creek, and skipped stones.
"Guys, I think that it's time we head back to the path, and keep walking." Gwen said. 
We all agreed, and we hiked up the small hill that would lead us back to the trail. When we reached the top, we took a breather. But, it didn't take us long to see that someone was missing.
We split apart, saying that we could keep contact with each other through are phones.
But after we had all split and were far away from each other, I realized that I didn't have my phone with me.
Oh no.
I didn't worry too much, because I knew I might be able to find them. Plus, they knew the area I was remotely at, so I couldn't go to far.
I heard a rustle in the bushes.
I turned, and saw nothing.
I turned back, and looked back around at a big tree. Maybe I would draw that another day.
The bush rustled again.
I turned again, but nothing was there.
Okay, this was weird.
The bush rustled again, and I was scared. I didn't know what to do, so I made a horrible decision. I jumped in the bush.
Okay, so that was part 1. I know it's not much, but stay tuned! I hope to post the next one next Friday, and on until the "series" is finished. :) Tell me if you like this in the comments down below! Also, thank you soooo much for over 200 page views, already! It makes up really happy that we are making people happy. :) As always, have a happy day! Bye!
                                                        ~Olivia & Reyna :D